We offer childcare for 4yr olds and younger during worship services on both Sunday mornings and Wednesday nights. Each class has a Carpenter’s Way Nursery Staff employee and a parent volunteer to properly supervise and play with our children. CW staff are CPR and First Aid trained.
Bible Study
Our preschoolers have their own Bible study classes too! On Sundays, at 11:00am, volunteer teachers teach a creative and hands-on Bible lesson. Drama, object lessons, music, games and crafts bring Bible characters to life and lay truths for foundational learning.
Carpenter's Kids Mother's Day Out
Carpenter’s Kids meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays following Lufkin Independent School District’s calendar. We are open 8:45am-2:30pm, receiving children from 6mos-4yrs. A homeschool class is available for K-5th grade. Summer program is available on a limited basis. See our link for more information or call the church office at 632-6599.